My father was the president of the parent teacher association of my elementary school. The group would meet at school once a month on a Thursday evening. But… today was Sunday and it was 1:00 PM in the afternoon! Mom asked me to get dressed because my sister Zonia and I were going with Dad. It was fine with me; while dad attended the meeting I would play at the school yard. I was nine years old at this time and my friend Tony lived with his grandparent’s right across the school, so it would be a fun time!
As we approach the school, I noticed that the grounds were full of kids, parents, men dressed in uniforms and boat loads of Police cars. As soon as we entered the gates, the kids would go to one side and the parents would go to the other. Every kid would stand in line; he would receive a nametag, check his name off of a roll call and would receive a paper bag with stuff in it. As soon as I reached my seat I opened my paper bag to find: a T-shirt, a candy bar, brochures and a badge that said ”Liga Atletica Policiaca” or Police Athletic League in English. We were being drafted! NOOOOOO!!!!! I was too young to go to war! I don’t believe that they have pizza or Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches in Vietnam - what to do!
We spent the afternoon listening to speakers and being brain washed on how we were having fun! Just like they brain wash the children in communist countries, those religious sects that make you drink a funny kool- aid, or the school teachers that telepathically make you do your home work against your will. No, they were much more clever; they gave us lasagna and fritters and brought us to our knees, How can a child resist such a torture?
After a long day, my sister and my father and I returned home to find my mother all excited with the new adventures and she had the pleasure to let us know that we would be attending the meetings twice a month. Panic…No… a onetime affair was ok but twice a month never! I kindly proceeded to give my mom the badge that came in the bag and reminded her that if she was planning to attend the meetings she would need a badge because I would not need it. I quit!
I did not need the Police Athletic League to help me bond with friends; I already had my bonding routine. Every Thursday after school, I would go grocery shopping with mom and dad, and I was able to select all sorts of interesting things! The stranger the bottle or can, the more inclined I would be in buying it. This is the life of a real foodie, reading the labels and learning through the epicurean extravaganzas of the world. Dad and I enjoyed buying new items, but mom said that we spent too much money on funny food. Dad once bought (on sale) like 15 cans of a strange sardine; I believe they are still in the cabinet!
I remember, the following Sunday that the Police Athletic League was scheduled, my mom asked if we were going to the meeting and with a smile we said…”we pass”… My mom looked at my dad and said…”at least go outside with them and play basketball” We looked at each other and laughed…..Like that would ever happen….
Receta Ripe Plantains Lasagna/Pastelon de amarillos
2 tbsp olive oil
3 garlic cloves
1/2 cup olives
2 green bell peppers, chopped
1/2 medium onion, chopped
3 bay leaves
2 tbsp cooking wine
1/2 lb lean ground meat
1/3 cup raisins
6 ripe plantains (amarillos)
2 tbsp olive oil
3 tbsp melted butter
3 beatten eggs
1 tbsp grated parmesan cheese
Pour the olive oil in a medium saucepan and heat over medium heat. Add ingredients included in A and saute for about five minutes.
Stir the ground meat into the ingredients already in the saucepan. Cook for about ten minutes. Add the raisins. Continue to cook for another ten minutes or until the meat is cooked but not dry. You may want to remove the bay leaves at this time.
Slice the plantains lengthwise. Use a separate saucepan to fry the plantain slices over medium heat in two tablespoonfuls of olive oil. Remove from the saucepan. Wipe excess oil with paper napkings.
Use a deep square baking pan. Grease thoroughly with about half of the melted butter. Cover the bottom of the pan with a row of plantains. Add enough of the cooked meat to make a layer, following the style for preparing lasagna. Alternate rows of plantains and meat until both are used up.
Pour the remaining melted butter and the beatten eggs over the pie. Sprinkle with the parmesan cheese.
Bake at 350 degrees for about twenty minutes.
Puerto Rico (foodie)
I love pastelon and make it whenever I can find ripe plantains. I am going to try this recipe. I make mine on the stove, but this sounds better - plus it has raisins and parmesan cheese.
Will you come over and make this for us?
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